

Emmy Fashion Best & Worst

I was pleasantly surprised by the picks by television's ladies last night. Emmy night can be a bit of a fashion nightmare. Lots of prom-ish dresses, too much bling and everyone dressing a decade older than they are. And not that there were not some misses, but it was tough to sort through my favorites to make this list. 

My biggest pet peeve with these gorgeous Hollywood ladies is when they dress too old. Whether it is the cut, the fabric, the styling or the hair, some girls age themselves 10 years by what they wear. I am not sure if this is because they are trying to be seen as "serious" actresses or what, but they need to hire new stylists. 

Ok, off my soapbox. Now onto the ladies that should have tried a different look. 

What do you think? Your best and worst? 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19.9.11

    LOL love your comment under Kyle Richards' dress. SO TRUE. And, we get it Kyle, you like blue. I mean seriously, find another color (even though I must say it does look great on her). What did you think of Gwynnie? Kinda thought she killed it. It was different, but awesome. She does no wrong these days in my eyes. xo, JENNA (one of these days I'll figure out how to not post anonymously - but can I if I don't have a google account?)
