

Laundry Room Re-do

Our laundry/mud room has been an eye sore for quite some time. It is actually a large space, but was being well underutilized and looking all around sad. 

The only thing missing from this before photo is a giant pile of shoes on the floor. Clearly that closet was a catch all for everything and nothing at all. 

We knew we needed to make some changes and found lots of inspiration from Pinterest. Some images were just for dreaming about and some actually had ideas we could use. 

And so the painters and contractor went to work and while there is still some work to be done, we now have a space that we can actually use. 

The new bench with cubbies, hooks and extra storage is fantastic. I found the bead board drying rack on this site for an incredible price. The mounted rack is genius and a huge space saver. We are still thinking about getting rid of the cabinet and getting stackables, then adding a counter with more storage. But for now, we are going to live with this and see what next steps will work best for us. 

Just a little home project that has made a huge difference. 



  1. Looks nice! If I didn't know any better I would have thought you had taken a picture of my laundry room! There are a few slight differences but very similar. I'm getting ready to do this exact same thing with my closet. Hopefully I will have it finished up by next week and you can come take a peek.

    Becky @ Posh Pink Giraffe

    1. Excited to see your finished room, Becky. It was a huge improvement for us with little work.
