

NEAT New House

Moving is a real bitch. 

And though the results are always great after the boxes have been put away and the glasses tucked into a cabinet, the moments before that are a nightmare. Even for the most organized of people (sometimes me). 

Our move has gone off without too many hitches and I am happy to say that I am actually enjoying the space instead of obsessing over it. There is plenty of time to decorate, rearrange the vases, and shop online for rugs. 

But you at least want the spaces that you use everyday to be in working order. I was lucky enough to live close by to our new house and move a ton of items myself. Not having to box every kitchen utensil was a godsend. I was even able to set up the kitchen before the movers even showed up. The nursery was next since even though I could sleep on a couch, the baby needs an actual bed.  

Then there was our room/closet/bathroom. The clothes were shoved into the closet directly from wardrobes and toiletries dropped into drawers. And I kept telling myself....

"I will get around to that."
"I will totally organize all this to fit the new space."
"I will absolutely have the time and patience to organize it all."

Lies. All Lies. 

Because though I am a decent organizer, I am one of those eighty percent organizers. I do a great job up until about twenty percent is left and then hurriedly finish the job. The results are a solid B. 

I really wanted to start off on the right foot for this house and calling in the girls from NEAT Method was the best idea I have had since the move. 

They completely transformed the closet to a place that actually holds all of our clothes and makes sense. Every bottle and brush in our bathroom has a place. It is glorious. 

They transferred all of our clothes onto slim, no-slip hangers and categorized. Shoes are all in a perfect row. Clutches have their very own shelf. 

Jewelry is easily seen and browsed in clear, stackable boxes. Bracelets hang from an easy to see display. 

 I can actually see what is in those normally messy drawers. 

Products have a place that looks great and is functional. 

I highly recommend NEAT for any organizing you need done in your home. They assess what you need, tackle the leg work, and bring all the supplies. 

Plus, they are a ton of fun. Check out their blog, too. 


1 comment:

  1. Sarah Schroeder14.6.12

    This looks AMAZING!!! I'm sure you're so happy to have this all organized:)
