

Surprise Favorite Things

There are so many things to register for, and many of them are so obvious. But it is that one item that you randomly received or ordered blurry eyed at 2am that became your favorite. I asked some other new moms to share that one item that surprised them the most and could not have lived without. 

Kelly, mom of Eloise (5), Millie (3) & Wells (10m): I am not really into a lot of baby gear, but the car mirror was something I loved. No more driving myself crazy wondering if he was snoozing in his car seat or not. 

Kristen, mom of Hutton (1): Someone sent me a Mom's one Line a Day that I absolutely love. It is a five year memory journal that only allows 2-3 sentences per day to record a milestone, thought, story, etc. Easy and quick to do so it does not feel overwhelming. Also, Meal Train, a website that friends and family can log into to schedule the drop off of a meal or groceries. It is a favorite since it is hard to feed yourself breakfast/lunch/dinner when you are busy with a newbie!

Betsy, mom of Harley, (2): By far and away it was a bottle holder. I feel like I kept seeing moms propping up their kiddos bottles with burp clothes and anything else they could find, so this "donut" was perfect. 

Rachel, mom of James (3m): The Woombie, it's the swaddle of all swaddles. All you do is zip it up and the babe cannot get out! We tried traditional swaddles and he escaped from them all except this. Plus, it has a double zipper, meaning you can unzip just the bottom to change a diaper and not let his arms free.

Leigh, mom of Reece (7), Chloe (4) & Wes (3): I loved the old school Platex bottles with the plastic liner inserts. They were so easy for the babies to use (and no air bubbles) once they could hold on to the bottle themselves. 

Kate, mom of Lily (5) & Myla (2): The squeezable baby food packets are genius. My two year old still loves them! 

Rebecca, mom of Georgia (1): I'm super embarrassed to admit this but the Nose Frida is amazing! I had panic attacks when she got sick and that little miracle saved me during her first few colds. 

Lauren, mom of Grayson (10m): The old school liquid Neutrogena (with the black pump). It gets out ANY stain, including blood if you rub the soap into the stain and let it sit overnight in a small tub filled with water. The next day I rub the stain area before throwing it into the wash. 

Alexis, mom of Jack (4m): I did not register for the Fischer Price Rock n Play Sleeper, nor did I know anything about it until after 10 tough weeks. When we finally came to grips with the fact that Jack has a pretty bad case of acid reflux, it became invaluable. 

Eva, mom of Jenna (16m): I loved my Itzbeen Baby Care Timer. It is a little gadget that helps track the last feeding, diaper change, sleep, etc. You can also keep track of which side you nursed on last. It really help me make sure I was sticking to our schedule. They do have apps for this as well, but when Dad and grandma take over for a few hours this kept us all straight and was easy to hand off to one another. 

Kristen, mom of Kinsley (1m): I'm obsessed with Aquaphor for baby. with 12 diaper changes a day this has been a must have. It helps prevent diaper rashes and it makes it easier to clean those frequent dirty diapers, no dried mess on baby skin. 

Marita, mom of Emme (10m): Mine has to be the ugly Piano Kick Gym we received (unsolicited). It was amazing and bought me tons of time when Emme was little, but I wanted her to be entertained. Not pretty, but I loved it.   

Lauren, mom of Sloane (1m): Since I am a "pumping exclusively" mama, I am obsessed with the steam bags. Seems silly, but pumping and feeding every two hours lends itself to a lot of bottle and pump part cleaning. The Medela Steam Clean Bags allow me to throw all of that into the bag, throw it in the microwave and everything is sterilized and cleaned. The bags are safe and it saves me so much time! 

Krissy, mom of Charlie (3) & Cate (11m): My best gift was girlfriends! That includes every woman in my life that helped me through the newborn months with advice, meals, support. Everything. My best discovery through these lovely ladies was nipple shields. Charlie was miserable at breastfeeding and during a visit from a friend, she was appalled at the sight of my (mutilated) nipples. She left and brought me nipple shields immediately. I never knew they existed. She literally saved me, or my nipples at least.  

Lindsey, mom of Jake (7), Kate (5) & Jude (4m): My Pronto changer has been great! I hate the big bulky diaper bag and this is really all I need for cruising around. I thrown it in the bottom of the stroller or just clip it onto the handle and it even as a spot for my phone, wallet and keys. 

Me, mom of Tommy (9m): The Organic Ultimate Crib Sheet is awesome. Crib sheets have to be changed so much and sometimes in the middle of the night. This sheet snaps on over another regular sheet, but under the bumper. That way when you need to change the sheet, you just snap it off and a fresh sheet is waiting underneath.

Thank you to all the moms who contributed! What are some things you could not live without?


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