

A Pause for Joan

Though Joan Rivers did not always have the nicest things to say about people, she did it to make us laugh. Which when you think about what is going on in the world, makes her someone we really needed all these years. 

I did not know that much about her besides what she has done on the Red Carpet and Fashion Police until I watched the documentary about her, A Piece of Work. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. The stories of her comedic start and the way she paved the way for so many female comediennes that followed her is inspiring. As is her incredible work ethic. Clearly, the woman worked on dozens of projects and she was in her 80s. 

But what I took away from the documentary and her perspective on life the most was not to apologize for who you are. She was snarky and crass and everything people wanted to hate, but she did not care. She was exactly who she wanted to be. The funniest gal in the room. 

As women we often apologize for so much because we feel the need to, but we should take one from Joan and remember to forget what anyone thinks and do what we want. We are who we are and that is what makes life great.  

I am going to miss this dame, especially on Fashion Police. Her one liners always made my week. 

I hope you have some laughs this weekend. 

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