

Happy Weekend Reading

Though this trip does not include a whole lot of the above, there is some. And those moments are being well enjoyed. The rest of the time is spent watching the kids play and laugh in the sun (my favorite), golf with my man, eating fresh food from the sea, and lots of wine. Life is good. 

I know it is not so good for those back in the cold. Hopefully some of you are headed to warmer weather and if not, here are some links to keep you busy while you snuggle under the blanket. 

If you are headed to Naples, FL, here are some of my favorites in the area. 

Cooking? I love this soup when it gets cold. 

I love this article on morning routines of women leaders from Forbes

And a nice reminder that we are all not perfect, especially when it comes to Mothering. 

Don't forget to check out all the gift guides for your holiday shopping. More to come next week. 

Happy Weekend


  1. It's been horrible here Erin, I recommend not coming home....
    Loved the article on modern moms!

  2. So do you!
    Can't wait my next reading weekend!

  3. Nice blog to read the valuable article.
    best restaurant in hong kong
