

Family Pizza Night

I have been attempting a smooth and delicious family pizza night for a solid three years now. Let's just say between the not-so-great-dough recipes, insane messes the kids have made, and some burnt pizzas that disappointed us all, it has been a ride. BUT, now we have come to a point where it is a somewhat relaxing, easy, and fun night for everyone involved. Most importantly me, who on many occasions flipped out mid pizza night for lots of reasons because apparently I am more of a perfectionist than I thought. Man I love a little self diagnosing ha 

So here is the deal. Like most things in life that involve kids it is best to set expectations low. The pizzas are going to be odd shaped, they are not going to be exactly like your favorite pizza joint, and someone will spill grated cheese all over the floor and then proceed to step on it. And it is FINE. Pour yourself a glass of wine, get everything prepped, and let the family memories begin. Plus, it really is delicious thank goodness. 

Here is how I prep: 

1. Make dough and get it to room temp if if has been refrigerated (I just made this dough and it was bananas good. This one is also great with different time lengths and crazy easy. OR buy it at the store!) 
Dough Before

Dough after 24 hours

2. Make Sauce (you can TOTALLY buy this too. But I am including my recipe below that I worship)

3. Prep your ingredients (grate cheese, cook sausage, slice onions, whatever you like on it. Place each ingredient in a little bowl for easy access for little hands) I also find this is a great time to use up random ingredients in my fridge. 

3. Prep Pans (I like to use big jelly/sheet pans and spray them down with a good coating of cooking spray. I do one pan for each person)

4. Preheat a CLEAN oven to 500 degrees. (you might want to throw a fan on too, it can get smokey)

5. Roll out dough/stretch dough into pizza "shapes" on a really well floured surface, then transfer onto the pans (I say shapes because how they get pizza into perfect circles is a mystery I have not solved and maybe do not care too)

6. Top & Bake for about 10-15 minutes, until the crust is browned and middle is bubbling. (hint: just a thin layer of sauce does the trick)

7. Eat too much, laugh a lot, and admire each others pizza. 

Simple Pizza Sauce
Makes enough for 4 large pizzas

1 can whole tomatoes (preferably San Marzano)
1 large or two small cloves of garlic, minced
1 teaspoon of salt

Set a strainer over a glass bowl and pour the can of tomatoes in it. Let it sit for about an hour (see pics below). Pour out the water in the bowl and place the tomato contents in the bowl. Add the garlic and salt, then blend it up (immersion blender or standing blender). Taste and add more salt if it needs it. Done! 


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