

Outdoor Updates for the Kids

There is no time we need the outdoors more than now. And saying "go play outside" is what might keep us all sane quite frankly. So I put together some ways to entertain the kids and get them out of the house, hopefully for hours. Most of these I can speak to as real successes my children have used through the years and others that I think we need this summer! 

1. A sweet gardening kit you can paint and then watch the flowers grow. $30
2. I LOVED this table when the kids were little. Great for meals, crafts, and slime making. $167
3. This jeep has stood the test of time and can handle going in the grass. $219
4. A giant bubble wand that a kid of any age would have fun with. $15
5. An easy to use splash pad that is safe and not totally hideous $30
6. My kids loved this messy activity. Lay out craft paper, strip them down to diapers, and let them go to finger-paint town that will turn into body paint. Then hose them off. Counts as a bath! ha $19
7. When the times get tough you need the big waterslide $352
8. This play house is darling and you could paint it and customize if you want to get crafty $230
9. Pitch a tent and have them "pretend" camp in the backyard. Everyone loves a fort $60
10. The bubble wands from Disney are merchandising genius and highly entertaining. This one is close to it $25
11. This swing is super sturdy and we kept it up all year round. The kids LOVE it
12. For tennis and volleyball lovers, this net is amazing. Easy to put up and more importantly
 to break down and store. $60



  1. طرق القضاء على البعوض يُعدّ البعوض من الحشرات الطائرة المزعجة جداً، وللتخلّص منه يجب اتّباع الطرق الآتية:
    التخلّص من مناطق تجمّع المياه الراكدة والموحلة والتي تُعتبر وسطاً مناسباً لنمو هذه الحشرات وتكاثرها. استخدام المبيدات الحشرية، للتخلّص من البعوض في الأماكن المخفيّة وغير الظاهرة، وكذلك في فناء المنزل والمناطق المحيطة به.
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالدمام
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض ببريدة
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالقطيف
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالخرج
